And I do kick ass, as these pictures prove:

That is, at least when the opponent is a stuffie hedgehog. No more honkin' for you, Mister!
I will go ahead and pass it on to Khyra, Gus and Indy, Harry Pugalicious, Bajas, and Aunt Sandy, who are collectively the most frequent commentators on my blog who have not yet received the award. I'm like Poley and Rukia's mom: I LOVE getting comments, so I like passing on the love to my dawgs and peeps who do that kind of stuff.
Speaking of dawgs and peeps, if you like my blog don't forget to become a follower by using the links in the right-hand column appropriately labelled "My Dawgs and Peeps". C'mon-- be a follower! Everyone else is doing it!
In other news, on Sunday I get to go to the Pugs in the Park for Colorado Pug Rescue! Word has it that Emmitt and his mom Melissa will be there, as will Daisy and Oscar and their pawrents Jason and Leah! I AM SO FLIPPIN' EXCITED!!! Don't worry, Dad has learned his lesson from the Freaky Weekend incident, and will have a functional camera that will take pictures no matter what. Yay!

Finally, I am so pumped about the fall lineup of shows beginning now! I like contests, even ones that are just for bragging rights, so here's one for y'all:
Can you guess the top 5 shows that Mom and Dad are addicted to? I'll put a little blurb in the right-hand column with the answers at the end of today.
Tank woo!!
I soooo wanted that one fur I do kikhk ass with my fluffy tail!!!
Woo are khwite talented with your dekhonstrukhtion abilities!!!!
Happy ALMOST weekend -
Way to go on your kick assery!!
What?? You don't like Pixar??? Not even Ratatouille?? Now, you must admit that was a good one.
I am so jealous of the pugs in the park weekend and the possibility of you getting to meet all those fun bloggers. I think I need to move out west or something.
Ok- the shows that have recently starting coming back on that I love are: The office, My name is Earl, Project Runway, Tim Gunn's Guide to Style, and next month Thirty Rock comes back on.
BUT - I doubt those hit your list. So my guess is:
1. Heroes
2. Lost
3. ER
4. Maybe The Office?
5. The Biggest Loser?
Best I can do. Have a great weekend!
I totally wish that I could join you at the pug meetup! That would rock to meet everyone!
Let's see...what shows could you be excited about?
Dexter? Heros? CSI? Entourage? House? Bones? Supernatural? Battlestar Galactica? Okay, those are my favorite shows. :)
Note to everyone: I love Pixar. Rachel and I are just having a cross-blog miscommunication. :)
Go West, Young Man! Or, woman...
hahaha - indeed, cross miscommunication! Good, I'm glad we both appreciate quality animation ;)
Congrats on the award, twice over. As for the stuffie, it looks intact, but what the heck is the other stuff on the floor from? Pun intended.
Thanks for the award! That is awesome!! :)
Yea that stuffie probably had it coming.. and I have a feeling if you had a real hedgehog like your dad wants, you would probably have a spine in your nose for trying! lol
I think having a real hedgehog would cool!
Hmm shows.. well I am going to have to say Heroes, Fringe (its not a returning show I know), Survivor, How I met your mother, and Lost,maybe csi when it starts up in 2 weeks.
Me - I am watching crazy tv right now.. it's not good, but yay PVR! lol
Hi! It is awsome that you will be able to meet other bloggers! Regarding TV shows, no idea. I don't watch TV (I like to read instead)
And I am still looking for the hoodie (I moved in may to a smaller place) talk about organization!
Thank you guys for that award. Are you going to whip that empty hedgie now? I didn't know hedgies could be destroyed! Looks like you might be in the market for some big rubber toys.
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