Saturday, November 8, 2008

Attack of the dreaded Furminator

Dad has found a new toy. And I don't like it.

But, he gives me lots of treats while he uses it, so I can't complain too much.


Unknown said...

I got one of these for Winston for Christmas....of course, it's really for me, but whatever. I'm hoping to have similar results because his shedding is out.of.control.

Brill said...

I don't really notice Pepe shedding that much ? Or is it because she still only has a puppy coat ? Or do black pugs shed less ?

We do have a Furminator however, Simba sheds tons !

Anonymous said...

My Mom and Dad have the Furminator too. It really takes a poundage of furs off eh? XOXO Peanut

The Devil Dog said...

Ha ha ha. That is very funny. Mom has heard a lot about this furminator thing. Thankfully, I don't need it as I do not shed like fawn pugs.


PS mom thought your dad's comment about the crown molding was very funny.

i said...

Thankfully I don't need it too as I don't shed much. Phew!

Anonymous said...

Mama uses a zoom groom on me and when I see it, I run and hide. Once she gets using it on me, though, it does feel good.

I bet you felt all sleek and silky after getting brushed!

Yours Truly said...

Oh my! My mom & dad have one of those, too! Luckily I don't have to spend nearly as much time with it as my lovah Toby does (he's a Norfolk Terrier and crazy hairy).
Marlene the Pug

Nevis said...

Do you feel that the Furminator helps at all with the shedding? I've heard mixed reviews...