Yikes. Just a tip to anyone who has a reader in the family (you know who you are)-- don't give them the Twilight books. They'll disappear like, forever. That's what happened to Dad these past few weeks. Sure, he made up some excuse about needing to be up on the current "hip" things that the kids he'll be counseling are into, and he mentioned something else about two different 20-page papers he's been researching for his classes, and I think he tried to pawn off some lame excuse about final exams, but I know the real reason.
He's bored with me. *Sigh*
I'll just have to up the cute factor. Think this'll do it?

I thought so. Sweet!
Of course, the other reason is that Dad is a slacker. Always has been, always will be. According to him, he was even born late. So, remember that award I won (it seems like) years ago? Where I won the
Project Dogway final and
promised to show pictures of my swag when it came in? Well, it's in. It's been in. And I've already loved it all. But just to prove it, here are the pics!

I got the coolest wrapping paper ever,

A little friend to hang on the Christmas tree (although he looks like he's got the measles or mumps or something. V - E - T time for him, I say),

A totally delicious bag of treats,

and a fantastically fuzzy blue (my favie!) chew toy.

Am I a lucky pug or what? I also, even though Dad was on hiatus and refused to help me with the blogging thing, raked in some awards. Sweet!
I got the I Love Your Blog award from my Florida friends
Samantha and Mr. Tigger:

And I got the Lemonade Stand award from both
Sandra and
Pearl and Daisy!
The Lemonade Stand award is given to bloggers who show attitude/gratitude, so I will say thank you with attitude to cover all bases:
As for passing on the love, well, I'm about ten years too late in actually receiving these awards and if you'll remember from last time picking and choosing the "pass it on" recipients kinda gives me the willies. So, I'm taking the easy way out and saying that everyone is awesome and both deserves and gets these awards. Hooray for you!
Is that it? Am I caught up? Whew!
Big-time visitors coming down soon. All Christmas week I get to schmooze with both sides of my human family, so look for lots of pictures and whatever small number of posts I can squeeze in between head scratches and family love-ins.